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Ani Tsewang Choden

Ani Tsewang Choden was born in 1971. She has been in the nunnery for most of her life as she came to the nunnery at the tender age of seven, and she feels that it is a privilege that she was able to begin her training so early. She has done retreats for several years and completed her 3-year retreat in 2016. At the instruction of Khenpo Rinpoche she has been assisting the nuns in the retreat centre as a retreat master. She is a devoted practitioner and never wastes her time idly. Even today, in this time and age of technology, she never is interested in the social media but focuses on her practices. She received Mahamudra teachings from H. E. Tai Situ Rinpoche. And in 2024, she received the Kagyur reading transmission from H. E. Drubwang Sangye Nyenpa Rinpoche in Nepal.