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Teaching events at the Hermitage of the Awakened Heart in North Wales

5th July - 2nd August - Mahamudra Pranidhana by Rangjung Dorje

Lama Shenpen will be giving teachings throughout this month which will be live-streamed and also available on you-tube. She received one to one teachings on this text from Bokar Rinpoche and translated it into English under his guidance.

The teachings will be held at 4pm UK time on Monday, Wednesday and Friday with an introductory talk on Saturday 5th July.

For more information see here


2nd - 9th August - Mahamudra Pranidhana Retreat

A residential retreat at the Hermitage in North Wales led by Lama Shenpen to consolidate the teachings she has given over the month of July. Only open to those who have followed the teachings on-line.

For more information see here


15 - 19th September - Distinguishing Phenomena and Pure Being

A residential study period at the Hermitage in North Wales led by Dian Denis ( Sale-0) focused on this text by Maitreya which formed the basis for her Phd.

For more information see here