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The Magic Dance of Appearances
An Offering of the Sense Pleasures that Pervades the Universe
In a land of the Mighty One’s teachings, of explanation, practice, and activity
As a youth your habits of Dharma naturally awakened
And wearing the armor of great bravery, nothing could make you lose heart
You climbed to the peak of the nine vehicles⎯my Master, I bow down to you.
The universe is adorned with formless form
Appearances are rainbows, the display of illusion
Their beauty is dancing a magical dance⎯as it plays before my eyes, I delight
I offer it all to the Lama who passes on the lineage of true meaning
May I also come to realize dependent arising.
The universe resounds with soundless sound
Appearances are echoes, the display of illusion
Their beauty is singing a magical song⎯as it dances in my ears, I delight
I offer it all to the Lama who passes on the lineage of true meaning
May I realize sound-emptiness, the sound of true being.
Scents that have no scent fill the universe with their incense
Appearances so sweet-smelling, the display of illusion
Their sweetness is dancing a magical dance⎯as I breathe it in, I delight
I offer it all to the Lama who passes on the lineage of true meaning
May I also gain the discipline that never is weakening.
Taste without any taste delights this pure universe
One-taste pervades all appearance, the display of illusion
True being is dancing the dance of the expanse⎯as I taste its magic, I delight
I offer it all to the Lama who passes on the lineage of true meaning
May I meet the face of the Dharmakaya⎯self-awareness in its own being.
Untouchable things to touch fill the whole universe
Appearances transparent⎯meeting in luminous contact
Contact with the five spontaneous lights is blissful magical delight
I offer it all to the Lama who passes on the lineage of true meaning
May I enjoy the Sambhogakaya⎯the Dharma of five certainties.
This realm is appearance-emptiness⎯samsara, nirvana not different
Appearance is self-awareness, phenomena’s true being
The movement of thoughts is so excellent⎯original wisdom’s dance
I offer it all to the Lama who passes on the lineage of true meaning
May I realize the magical dance of nirmanakayas without end.
Whatever arises is the dance of the Lama’s three kayas
Confusing and liberating thoughts are true being, the Lama’s speech
Radiantly clear and uncontrived is basic being, the Lama’s mind
Please bless my mind to mix with yours, to be inseparable, to be a taste that’s one.
This as well is a garland of offerings of all that dawns in the appearances of the sense pleasures and the whole host of thoughts, made to the supremely wise one who in three ways manifests his kindness, the Guru Vajradhara, Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche. At a time when the mind aches with devotion, from the western land of Canada it is offered with great respect by his student named Dzogchen Ponlop. By the virtue of this offering, may the teachings of the practice lineage in general, and in particular the kaya of our lama’s emanation, appearing before all of his students who have faith and devotion in him, remain with us steadily from aeon to aeon to aeon. May all be virtuous!
Under the guidance of Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, translated by Ari Goldfield, Autumn, 1998. Translation copyright 2012, Ari Goldfield.